Pretty Masks and Vintage Prints

The weather has been dull recently. 80mph winds and rivers overflowing with rainwater. Rather boring if you ask me. And being stuck on a bus in that weather isn’t very fun at all. Think it’s a good time to just stay in bed. All week ….

Today my mission has been to finish the final pieces for my college project. And might I say mission accomplished!! These pieces are all in response to the Communication Through Art and Design unit of the course, the title we were given was Identity and Who Do You Think You Are. My ‘mini topic’ was Hidden Identity, which is something I’ve always wanted to explore in my art. After thinking for a long long time and talking to my tutor, I settled on making several ‘masquerade’ style masks which cover different sections of the face. I wanted to incorporate some of the intricate designs I love to draw in my spare time.

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20131206-100838 pm.jpg The first one has an elegant feel to it. And I would certainly wear it to a Masked Ball (you know … if I ever got invited to one …)

And the second one I made to cover over the mouth. The concept of this one is how someone can say something and how that shapes their identity or how others perceive it. Complicated, I know (not really)

I also decided to create a set of canvases with the masks being worn, to show how they actually look on a human face. But me being me, I couldn’t just have a printed out picture … Oh no, of course not!! I wanted them to look rather vintage and worn down (I don’t even know)

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The technique is ‘Image Transfer’, which uses gel medium or PVA glue and A LOT of patience. I personally think they look really good!!

To do list
final pieces
statement of intent

Well good luck to anybody in the UK who’s suffering with the weather recently!!

SS signing off x